1/13/2015 0 Comments HopeI hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year with your family and friends! Christmas and New Year was certainly different from most years for my family. Nevertheless, it was still fun and enjoyable because I had the chance to spend it with the people I love! My sister and some of my friends have started school again. However, it was great catching up with old friends and hearing what has been going on with their lives. Luckily, I don't go back until next week! Until then, I shall continue with happily being home with my romantic comedy movie marathons. Anyways, I finished reading this book The Power of Hope by Dutch Sheets (which I definitely recommend).
As the title implies, this book is about hope. It says: "Hope is to the heart what seeds are to the earth. Without hope life is sterile, unfruitful." This past year for you may have been filled with wounds, shattered hopes and dreams, it could have been the best year of your life, or a mix of both. Whatever you experienced, just know that it is in the past now. You are no longer hope deferred, but filled with hope. "Your world may [have been] falling apart. But if you will look closely enough, you'll see the light of God's faithfulness shining through the debris." -Dutch Sheets (The Power of Hope) After reading this book, my perspective on certain aspects has changed. There were times this past year that I felt myself losing hope in God's promises over my life. I was caught up in reality instead of seeing things from His perspective, therefore I started to become hope-deferred. There was a section in the book that really touched my heart. It was called "Seeds of Hope." Dutch Sheets said to make a conscious choice to believe they are going tot happen, and we will partake of hope fulfilled. Here are some of my favorite that he mentions:
With January almost half over, I pray that you choose to have hope. Hope that this year will be a year full of joy, prosperity, peace and hope for you and your loved ones. Hope that this new semester of classes will be even more successful than last semester. Hope that broken relationships and friendships will heal. Hope that this new year will be fruitful in every aspect of your life. The new year may not have been a great start for everyone, but just remember that no matter what happens, God is still in control. According to Sheets, you don't have to be well to hope, but you do have to hope to become well. Tomorrow is the promise of a new day. The future is radiant with another chance! "And so Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in You." -Psalm 39:7 He is your hope. Anchor yourself to Him.
February 2020